The specific question is on the concern from the...
I'll run out of time here, and then I'll give you the question, I'm sure.
I just want to give you a compliment in one area. My office has been dealing with one heck of a lot of farmers in financial distress, some being sold out. When it comes to trying to do a deal with a series of lenders, banks are willing to do a deal; Farm Credit is damn near impossible. It's just damn near impossible to do a deal with Farm Credit, because they won't write down principal, whereas the banks will.
So I congratulate you in that area, and I would ask you, in that area, about Farm Credit. They're supposed to be a last-risk lender. What I'm hearing from bankers is that they're going to the greater ability to pay back loans and are not into the high-risk lending they used to do. That burden is falling, to a great extent, on you. I see it in the cases I deal with. So I congratulate you in that area.
The question, for the yes or no that Larry asked for, is on the HILLRP loan. We have farmers informing us that when they go into the bank, in cases in which the interest rate might have been prime plus 2% before, they're saying, okay, we'll lend you the money, but we want prime plus 6%, prime plus 5%.