The packers take only $200 out of that $3,080. I mean, I'm not a fan of the packers either--it's largely an American-dominated industry, and it's easy to find a bogeyman and think they're the bad guys--but when these numbers come out, they show that the packers are taking $199. It's very difficult to verify these numbers because of the way the beef supply chain works, but they can't be out that much.
I'd love to hang them out to dry, but these numbers have to be out by 300% or 400% before we can do that. It's the grocery stores. It's as simple as that. Canadians are paying at the counter, but that money is not going back to the producer.
If we were to go to supply management in this country, I might as well shoot all my cows now, because beef from Canada leaves this country. I don't know what the exact number is--I wish I had it at the tip of my fingers--but most of the beef we produce is an export product.
I have the benefit of a former life and an income that can let me travel, and I have other jobs that let me travel and that support my farming habit. I'll tell you, we make the best beef in the world, because I've eaten all of it everywhere. Only Argentina can even come close to competing. Now, you can buy beef from New Zealand; if you like eating old, tired dairy cow, have at 'er.
We have to promote our product. If we're going to increase or even sustain a beef industry in this country, it has to be supported on a bigger share of the local dollar going to the producer and the quality of that product. We produce a superior product, a far superior product. Unless we can get the same cost structure as our competitors...which we can't, because our land is more expensive, our drugs are more expensive, everything we do is far more expensive, not to mention the 7% carbon tax on a $10,000 fuel bill here.
We can't have it at both ends. We can't be getting taxed into the ground and getting no money back. It just does not work. It's going to kill... Well, I'm double Doug's age, and I don't see much of a future for young folks, unfortunately.