In your research, if you come across any suggestions that you can put in a written submission later on, we're happy to take that information as well.
I also concur with my colleague Mr. Eyking. With regard to the marketing and branding, we had a successful brand in B.C., “buyBC”, which sort of waned off. They're trying to bring that back.
Minister Ritz came to Kelowna and the Okanagan in January and spoke with the BC Fruit Growers' Association. I'd like to thank Joe and Glen and his team for their hard work as well. We work closely with them when they come to Ottawa.
We do have the agricultural research centre in Summerland, in which we invested a few million dollars when Minister Ritz came here, in addition to the planned innovation company. It's doing some great research, I might add, to help look at ways in which we can move forward.
We are looking at two situations right now: one is the short-term crisis for the farmers, and the additional one is in the long term. How do you see the government's role in the short term versus the long term for a sustainable agricultural community?
That's to you or anybody else who wants to jump in from the farming community,