Thank you.
There's just one note I'd like to follow up on, if you'll allow me.
David, in your presentation you mentioned 10-acre lots, or used that as an example, with a big house built in the middle of them. This could go to the other David or to Madeleine.
I have to compete in my area. I live right near Georgian Bay. It's a large tourist area, so the farms there are bought up largely by people from Toronto, which escalates the price. There are also stipulations in there. If it's graded as what they call number one agricultural land, and if it's a vacant farm, they can build one building on it.
My question relates back to your comment about a 10-acre lot. I'm presuming that this is good agricultural land. We have things in place in Ontario that would prevent somebody from coming in and taking that out of production.
Is there a lack of provincial or municipal rules to deal with that kind of thing? Could either one of you comment on that?