Thank you for your presence here today.
There was some discussion about AgriStability, some of the programming, and farmers not wanting to earn their livelihood from government cheques. It is somewhat of a dilemma we find ourselves in as a government. As was mentioned yesterday, we met with fruit growers. There were some complaints about AgriStability and whether it was paying out or not, and helping or not.
I want to let you know that through AgriStability about $3.4 billion to $3.8 billion is paid out almost every year to farmers. In a sense it's money that's not seen, because it's not advertised or announced. It just gets delivered. I'm not sure that's the answer either. The programs are to help people get by in a crisis, but you don't want them masking market conditions or deeper problems. There's always a risk of that. If a lot of money flows from the government over a long period of time, deeper problems can be masked by that because we're just getting by.
Other than programming, what is one thing a few of you could mention as a key thing that government could do, other than programming, that would actually help you?