I'll go, Colin.
I would say the biggest thing now...I'll even take it one step further to my grandfather's time, when whoever worked the hardest got ahead in life. The next one was whoever could find efficiencies would get ahead. In my generation now it's who's willing to adapt to technology, who's willing to look beyond just the meat and potatoes of a grease gun and a wrench that is in your back pocket. Agronomy and growing crops, that's in your back pocket. You can't even play the game unless you have those two.
What is setting us apart in profitability is the marketing, the business arrangements, even if it is a multinational--partnerships. It is not being scared to take on the new challenges...things from satellite imagery variable rating, which we're doing on our farm, to RTK guidance. Those are the minor things we're adjusting and those are making the difference now. It's using the computer and using technology to get ahead.
The other things are important as heck to be there, but that's to even get in the game.