I'll just echo my colleagues and say thank you very much for taking the time to be here.
I have a very quick question for you, Fred, before I move on. You mentioned low input, that we should going toward low input. I know that when my cousin and her husband, for example, who are large-scale farmers farming north of Saskatoon, went organic, they saved $120,000 in the first year in chemicals. But not everybody is organic. Not everybody wants to go that way. I'm wondering what you mean and how you can see moving into getting even less input in conventional farming.
I'll pose my second question to Luke, and maybe others would like to comment. You mentioned the catastrophe in the flax industry because of GM Triffid flax. You are probably aware of Bill C-474, my private member's bill, which looks at assessing the economic risk to farmers before introducing alfalfa and GM wheat. There has been some pushback and criticism that the bill might stifle innovation and that it's not science-based, so I would appreciate hearing your comments and concerns, and maybe suggestions from all of you on that, because we want to make it work.
Maybe, Fred, just give a quick answer and then we will move on to the other topic.