Well, it might be, unless they're considered an exemption. That's a good point.
I have another question. We talked about innovation. Most of you have gone to the University of Guelph or know somebody who has. I'm proud to come from that city.
As a lawyer, I used to have to upgrade all the time. Every year, I had to learn new techniques, new laws, new ways of practice, new technologies that I had to use in my practice in order to survive. Those who didn't died. I've heard from some of you about the need for innovation and the embracing of that innovation. I'm wondering how many of you take an active role each year in upgrading your skills, looking at diversifying, looking at new technologies.
What's it like out there? What are you doing? Are you doing that, or are you just relying on the same old same old? Perhaps we can go down the line.