It just seems to me that we're a little bit behind the times. We seem to be bombarded in our area with recreational-type farmers. Now, in the early seventies, that was fine, because they bought 50 acres and they rented 48 of it back to you. So it was a good deal. Now they seem to buy 50 acres, put a $1.4 million house on it and a $2 million horse farm, and when you drive down the road with your equipment, they're waving hands at you wanting you to slow down, or they ride through your field when you're planting as if it's a given right.
I don't know whether that's a policy issue or the way society is today, but that really is, in our area, probably agriculture's major competitor. Where we are in the Ilderton area, it's not the City of London coming out and grabbing land for housing. They seem to have enough, I think for the next 10 years anyway, the way they're going. It seems to me we're almost becoming parkland. I don't know where that blame comes from, whether that's federal, provincial, or municipal. We can blame it on whoever we want, but it just does not adapt well. I think the Niagara area has gone through these issues. It seems to be that if you're near an urban centre, that's what you get. What you do about it, I don't know.