Cashflow is a significant issue in a lot of operations. Weaner pig prices picked up about three months ago. A lot of people in farrow-to-finish operations sold off little pigs to provide cashflow. Now they're getting into a cash crunch. So cashflow is huge.
In terms of the emergency advance payment program, a second round of that, especially if you take whatever that $400,000 is, at 275 or 280 sows... Take it up to the 600-sow model that Agriculture Canada uses; that would be great.
As far as access into markets, the EU is a major market. It's a market that people have said could add $5 to $10 a hog to the price that we could receive on hogs, because they use a part of the pig--the ham--that is not widely used in North America. That is very critical.
The other thing I would comment on is getting our meat processors on an equal footing--paid inspection, give them accelerated depreciation so they can reinvest in tools, and equal application of the law, as Jim said, on things as simple as a can--things that have put our guys at a disadvantage for years.