I can certainly address the supply management issue.
We understand that for the producers in the supply management system, it's very good because they are pretty much guaranteed a margin above their cost of production. But what it would mean for our industry is a reduction from 75,000 jobs to probably around 30,000 jobs. It would put a lot of the members who Jim represents here and their plants out of business.
You think the one small plant in Nova Scotia is a problem. You're going to see half the plants in Quebec go under, and half the plants in Ontario. You'll the see the brand new plant in Brandon go out of business.
If that's our choice, that's fine. If you talk to those workers and say you're putting a plan in place that'll make them unemployed, that is a route to go. We believe we produce GDP for this country and work for our citizens of this country, and we want to export and feed other parts of the world. We think we can do that. I think there are some things we need to tweak, without a question, but I would say that from a Canadian Pork Council standpoint, this is what we would rather be doing.