That's a good question. We've been enrolled in the program...NISA, is it? I don't completely understand it, but there seems to be very few dollars channelled back through to us. This is one of my issues; there hasn't been enough money channelled back through to the farmers.
I'm not sure what we can do to tweak the programs so more money gets channelled into farmers' hands. I like the idea for the beef, with the floor price. I think that's a good idea. With the dairy industry we pretty much know what our milk cheque is. Our income is reasonably fixed because of our quota prices, except for the milk that goes into special classes. The sales go up and down a bit, which affect our prices. Our costs and our input seem to be where we have the most ability to make, or in some cases lose, money. I guess I'm looking for more control over cost in that area.