First, I appreciate your compliments, for sure. That's one thing I should note. I know there's lots of talk about the issues we're facing, and the province is facing, but we have lots of optimism. We're here because we see there is a future and we all plan to be part of that future.
What Becky's saying is 110% correct. As Nathan mentioned, the consumer is just so far away from the farm. With fewer farmers, it's bound to happen. I think the schools are good places to start. Also, open farm days, as you mentioned, are good chances for people to come out to see what goes on.
The only issue I see in our industry, in a feedlot, is that, for instance, we were actually in a...for co-op beef, I guess it was. A gentleman came out to take a few pictures to put in the thing. There were about 800 cattle along the manger, eating. I said, “Gee, that would be a good picture.” He said, “Oh, goodness, no, you can't put cattle in there. People don't want to relate cute cattle to steak.”