--or out of time; sorry.
Just on that, Cedric, I farm in Ontario. Mr. McGuinty has brought in the Green Energy Act. The opposition out there, especially on wind power, and the way he's brought it in....
I've always been a supporter of alternative energy, including wind. I'll tell you, it has divided communities unbelievably. It's some of the same people who over the years have been pushing governments to say we need to go with more green energy, but when they bring the rules in, they don't like it.
I just bring that up to point out the obstacles out there. It's not as accepted by the community as you would think it would be when it comes down to it. It's the “We want it, but not in our backyard” kind of deal.
Before we move on to Ms. Bonsant, Mr. VanOord has just joined us.