As I said before, we're looking to take this and build it from the bottom up, because I think this has to start and end with farmers working together--a few men in a room and who knows where it will go from there. We're past that point. We know that we can bring farmers together. We know this. We have the primary data in hand.
Where government is going to come in for us is when we establish our networks, identify the primary areas that each sector of the network is going to be responsible for, and highlight some initiatives that we want to start implementing. That is when government is going to come in and hopefully provide us with funding. Not only that, if we do find a suitable, scalable, and sustainable model that will help to secure a future in agriculture, we're going to need the government to help promote and push it across.
We've already discussed this with the provincial government, but I think at some point if we can work together and find a model that can meet the demands of today's farmer, then the role of everyone will be to embrace it, and to try to play whatever part they can.
Again, I don't want to get into specifics, because it would just be pointless, but we're not asking you guys to solve the problem. We're just asking to meet us halfway. We plan on starting this at a grassroots level, and we hope that if we can demonstrate the value in it, we can continue to get that support.