In response to sustainability, I guess everyone understands that sustainability has various pillars. There's financial sustainability and ecological sustainability. I think current policy is pointing firmly in the direction of bigger and better all the time--just increase and get bigger and bigger. And that's what's happening. There is a place for those big farms; as long as we have fuel, we're going to have big farms. But I think there's been a general push to get rid of the small, diverse farms. That is a really backwards move that we've made in terms of sustainability because we need those small farms. The big farms need the small farms. Small farms are what make up rural Canada, and there's probably an argument to be made about ecological sustainability in small farms versus big farms.
So that's where I think one of the problems with the current policy is, that it's really gearing toward bigger, better, and then everything will be solved. I think that's a huge problem.