You've said that you worked for Cargill at one point, and Cargill is in Guelph. I don't want you to diss the processors at all, but one of the themes that we heard while going across Canada was about the concentration of power in input suppliers--like fertilizers--and in the processors at the other end, and we heard that in many cases the profit wasn't getting down to the farmer. You might have feedlots that were close to the processor that were making money, but it wasn't always the case. It depended on your location and the size of your farm. Sometimes, the large industrial farms, whether they were family owned or not, were clearly more profitable, and the larger ones were probably more likely to survive.
I'm just wondering how you feel about that. I know you're in a tough position, having worked for them, but do any of you see too large a concentration of power in the processors and the input providers, such that we need to take some form of action as opposed to just letting it run rampant?