Okay. Thank you.
It seems to me that both of your operations could probably function in any kind of market, under any circumstances, because you're obviously very successful. The message I'm getting is that open market seems to be the key for you folks.
I'm wondering how you view trade negotiations, such as the world trade negotiations, the up and coming Canada-European free trade negotiations and agreement, both of which...there are threats to our supply management system and our state trading enterprises, such as the Wheat Board. I'm wondering, should we be ready to sacrifice those two areas that seem to be doing okay for our farmers at the expense of getting more markets? How do we juxtapose trying to get more trade, more markets, and at the same time protecting ourselves? You know, we have to be realistic. If we get more markets, we're going to have to give somewhere. Should we be prepared to give on supply management or the Wheat Board?