I'm not sure whether you two gentlemen are aware, but the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta just today announced the AgriRecovery money, and both counties are covered under it. It's for the drought that we've seen over the last two years in Alberta. Although I think it should have been triggered a bit earlier than it was, it's important that when we have these disasters we have a program in place to look after them. Other than that, the government generally needs to stay out of your way, because all too often government regulation and bureaucracy get in the way and make it harder for our farmers to make a profit and a living, more than they ever end up helping out.
I want to say that we have had outstanding young farmers before the committee. We've been across the country and have heard from young farmers, and it's not all doom and gloom, as we hear on the other side of the table. There's a lot of positive feeling out there. There are a lot of people who are adapting, a lot of people who are growing and who have some legitimate concerns, as you have.
But I would like to hear a comment from you guys, because you are all actually farming. Every day you're out there fixing the fences, you're out there putting in the crops. You're actually living this. What do you see in regard to the Canadian Wheat Board? Is it helpful in western Canada? Is it hurting us? What would you like to see the government do in regard to the Canadian Wheat Board?
We'll start with Mr. Sawyer and then move to others.