We agree that there's a lot of great new technology coming down the road. You have to realize that a lot of that technology is realistically 10 to 20 years away. That's good technology. That technology that you speak of, the golden rice, is improving the fitness of the plant. It is much different from the issue we're dealing with here.
We're talking about Roundup Ready alfalfa—the only technology there is that they can spray a herbicide on it. That's not consumer acceptance. If the fitness of the plant was really improved, then you would have marketplace acceptance. The plant would have been changed to benefit the world. Right now, the only change in that plant is benefiting Monsanto and putting money in their pocket, helping to create a monopoly.
If they came out with technology such as golden rice that the world would benefit from, I'm sure the Europeans would view GM technology very differently. So far, though, GM technology is just herbicide-tolerant crops, period. There are very few species we're growing—the corn, the soybeans, the maize—that have actually improved the fitness of the plant. The majority of these crops are just straight herbicide-tolerant, thus eliminating choices for producers and creating the monopoly.