Thank you.
There's no doubt that legislation has to be the priority. That has to be number one. That would be my recommendation to the steering committee.
Then number two definitely needs to be Mr. Shipley and completing the report on young farmers and the future of farming. There are a lot of things for the steering committee to consider, and I trust the steering committee to do its job. That's why I brought forward this notice of motion with Mr. Valeriote, because it needs to be part of that mix.
One thing I really do know is that when this committee goes on the road and looks at the future of things and starts to look at policy and items in that context, it does good work. It does very good non-partisan work, and I think that's where maybe this committee should be going.
Again, I trust the steering committee. We can go around the table ten more times and talk about all these topics and subjects, but the reality is the steering committee is going to decide it. My suggestion is let's wrap this meeting up, and let's let the steering committee do its work.