First of all, I want to welcome all you guys at the committee today. I think it's great. This is an excellent debate. It's unfortunate that this debate is taking place in the context of this bill, because I think this piece of legislation is a bad piece of legislation.
I know Alex's intent--he's trying to address a serious issue here--but I think this is not the right way of doing this. In fact, I think we should go forward on this. That's why I've talked to some of my committee members. Mr. Valeriote and I have co-sponsored a motion here in committee to have the committee study this in more detail, so that we can actually air this out without the context of the legislation, and look at the regulatory framework so that we can see growth in the industry but also take into consideration protection and concerns that are outside the industry. I think that's a very important piece of work, and I look forward to the committee co-operating and working together on this.
As I said about Mr. Atamanenko, we have a lot of respect for the gentleman, but this piece of legislation would put us back in the 1930s, and that's the unfortunate part about it.
When I look at this legislation, if it had been in place when Ford was developing the car, all the guys who were...[Technical difficulty--Editor].