Mr. Chair, I will just add only a few more points to the arguments that have been presented by Mr. Atamanenko and Mr. Bellavance.
I've had discussions with the industry people who don't favour this bill, and while they had concerns about it and have concerns about it, indeed, they have actually been grateful for this opportunity they've had to have this discussion, to demystify what was formerly an industry that few people knew anything about, including perhaps many of us around this table.
One of the things that I came to this committee with was a promise to myself to attempt to honour the rights of people to be heard. And regardless of where I stand on this bill, I don't believe in shutting out and shutting down the opportunity for people to be heard, notwithstanding that their opinion may not be consistent with my own.
Now, Mr. Atamanenko has consistently deferred discussions about this bill over time when those interruptions occurred. I regret that people around this table try to point fingers at each other. I really regret that, because it really doesn't lead to what I would say is respectful discussion about the issues at hand.
All of us around this table have participated in bringing about the disruptions, and I don't think there should be any finger pointing. I am prepared to support Mr. Atamanenko in his effort to pursue that which he thinks is important to those who he's representing, whether or not I support this bill.
Thank you.