Now, I give credit to Mr. Vanclief, who brought that in, for at least recognizing the point that to have stability you need a five-year program. But with the way agriculture has changed in the last little while--and we have been talking about this--you may also need flexibility within that five-year window to let farmers grow and develop in the new biosecure situation and biotechnology and all those different things that are out there.
There is a lot of discussion around a national food policy. I think that's good work; it's work that needs to be done. It needed to be done for decades. But that is only half the situation. Farmers themselves have moved well beyond just producing for food. We have the ability to fill two or three streams with the raw materials that farmers produce--you yourself as a producer of horticultural goods and chicken, I understand.... We're starting to see a lot of the biomass and byproducts from those industries being used--and when it comes to chicken feathers, even into car parts
That's a tremendous amount of good work. I think the future of farming is marketplace returns that farmers have never had access to. It's doing more and more with the product and the byproduct we produce.