If I could answer it, I'll give you one example I wanted to give when I did the representation but didn't.
I'm a grain producer. Do you remember at the beginning of 2000 the prices were going steadily down? There were declining margins. We know we had a problem. Now we're hearing that it's coming pretty well. Yes, sir, it is right now.
I think you have to have programs think in the long term. As I was saying in the grain industry four or five years ago, what's the future? There's not very much there. Now the price has gone up. It's long term. When we look at the hog industry--not a lot of my neighbours are hog producers--there are many reasons why the prices came down and why they were losing money. I'm talking about the H1N1. You're talking about this type of virus. So many problems came one after another. So I think that's it. We have to think long term.
In a country with agriculture, three or four years is nothing. You have to have programs thinking more long term. That's it.
So those are two examples I have for you--the grain sector from the beginning of 2000 as compared to today. Now they're talking about how it's going well today. But I remember it was the very opposite a few years ago. The hog guys were saying AgriStability, no problem, it's going well. And we were saying the opposite.
So that's it. Think long term. Have programs that can help you long term.