I'll try to whip through these in terms of responses.
In terms of delivery, as you mentioned, we have devolved the delivery of AgriStability to Saskatchewan now, in addition to B.C. The federal government is delivering the AgriStability program in four provinces: Manitoba and three of the maritime provinces. The handover of the delivery has gone very well and hopefully it helps.
What we're hearing, too, is that having people on the ground working through the program with producers, to deal with some of the issues you've raised about bankability, is probably part of the solution. When I talk to producers, they say that once you walk through the program and understand it, it isn't as complicated as you think. I think moving it to the provinces is the right direction for delivery. Then you can deal with the whole package, including your AgriInsurance as well as your AgriStability.
On the issue around caps, you mentioned two caps. There is a cap of $400,000 on the federal advance payment program. That was raised I think just a few years ago, when we added livestock to the eligibility for APP. We haven't heard a lot about raising that cap.
We have heard a lot about raising the cap for the AgriStability program, which is currently sitting at $3 million. Going back to Mr. Bellavance's point, that's one of the issues the industry has also asked us to look at for some of the larger livestock and horticulture operations. I'm glad to hear that now the grain operations are bumping up against that cap as well. Again, this is something that would have to be part of the package going forward, which ministers would have to consider in terms of any possible changes to programs.
You mentioned bankability. Bankability, diversified farms, and long-term margin declines are the three key issues we hear about from industry in terms of needed improvements and issues that we need to address.
The long-term margin decline is an issue, but the program is not intended to address long-term margin declines; it's intended to address short-term income volatility. This is something that again will have to be part of the deliberations of ministers when they look at the next Growing Forward framework.
I think I'll pass it over to Greg, who can talk to the insurance issue.