Well, on the specific question of whether the Government of Canada is interested in supporting a cost-of-production series of programs, the answer is no. We do get pressure. We have had it from Quebec, and from Ontario recently in its risk management program, and we do have calls from various other commodity groups to partake or participate in cost-of-production programs.
The real risk there is countervail. If you have region-specific or commodity-specific subsidies like that, you are risking countervail. We've seen this many times in the hog industry--hog, pork--and we've seen countervail actions taken against provincial programs. The risk is very high there, particularly when you have commodity-specific and region together, that you're going to trigger a countervail. That's a very, very difficult process for producers who are export oriented. As you know, it can take years to resolve. During that period of resolution, the countervail is in place and hurting the industry. It triggers all kinds of other pressures for more program payments, which are almost going to stimulate more countervail risk.
So the short answer is, unfortunately, no, we're not looking at those kinds of programs right now.