Thanks, Chair.
I want to mention two facts.
First, they are two completely different issues. One of them is the Growing Forward program and the other one is the CAIS program. They are two completely separate studies. I'd prefer to see them separated because they're going to be tackled separately. If they're within the same motion, we'll then have witnesses coming in to talk about one, talk about the other, and mix them together. They are two completely separate issues.
The second thing I'd like to mention is that I'm not sure why the AgriStability program is being separated from the Growing Forward program. I think it's very hard. Growing Forward consists of a number of programs. There're AgriInvest, AgriRecovery, and AgriStability. There are a number of programs that actually work together and are meant to work together. There are no firewalls among them. AgriInvest is meant to work with AgriStability. The two programs working together actually offer the farmers more flexibility than they had under the CAIS program.
The second key point I would like to make is that if we're going to study this and we want to do justice to the programs and to the farmers, then we need to expand AgriStability so that it's part of Growing Forward. We're going to have witnesses in front of us who are going to talk about federal programs and federal support for agriculture. They're going to venture into the other types of support. If we have farmers from drought-stricken Alberta, where they received some AgriRecovery money, it's important to know that. If the farmers are going to draw on AgriStability, they have probably drawn on AgriInvest. The two fit hand in glove. They actually fit together.
I would like to make an amendment to this motion. I would like to remove the word “AgriStability” and replace it with the words “Growing Forward” so that we are looking at the Growing Forward program. I think it actually gives our witnesses more scope. In other words, if they want to talk about AgriInvest, they'll have the freedom to do so without us telling them they're off topic, because we're actually talking about AgriStability, and they should restrict their comments to AgriStability. It gives them the latitude to talk about the programs in the way they see them. They see them as an integral package.
The second change that I would to like to put forward as part of the same amendment is to strike the words “and that the committee specifically examine the impacts of efforts”, etc., to the end of the sentence. Chair, I'm removing the CAIS overpayment portion, because I think it's a separate study. Again, I think that if we confuse it with the Growing Forward program, we're going to mix apples and oranges. It's better to study the Growing Forward program. We can study the CAIS overpayment program, if that's what the committee chooses to do. I think it's important to differentiate between the two. They're two completely separate initiatives.