Greg, I'm just wondering. As you know, last year about this time we had the railway people up here, and I think everyone around this table was somewhat discouraged with their responses. They closed down sites....comparing them, frankly, to a hamburger stand: they weren't making money, so shut 'em down. We were talking specifically about producer loading sites and the 50-odd sites they were planning to shut down. We even heard stories from people about how the cars are broken, they're losing grain, and the rail line takes no responsibility for it whatsoever.
You just gave a scathing indictment, Greg, in that quote about what the railways do to extort money from farmers who are price-takers now. I'm just curious: are you not kind of subscribing to them? Are you not letting them off the hook by you not demanding right now that there be a cost review? Why aren't you joining the others in demanding this cost review?