I'll make a quick comment.
I believe the western farm organizations are all members of the shippers' coalition--the Wheat Board is for sure--and we do support the rail costing and rail service review being done and the recommendations that are coming forward. We need to move this forward and we need regulation to do it.
Regarding the penalty-reward system being proposed here for the railways for good and bad service, we have to remember very carefully that the CTA, in its revenue cap, states that the revenue cap does not include “amounts paid by railway[s] as a performance penalty”. So if we put charges on the railways for non-performance, the revenue cap will not change; they're still going to get the same kind of money.
In the end, it's western Canadian farmers who will be paying those dollars. Is it just going to go from one pocket to the other? Are we just going to be saying yes, we're getting something back, but...? It's much like the freight rate incentives used to buy multi-car blocks today for dispatch by them.
We have to have regulation and we have to have work on both sides to move this forward properly.