As Allen said, in Alberta in particular, we have a short line running virtually from Calgary to Saskatoon that CN Rail is abandoning right now, the Lyalta to Oyen line. As for the value to those farmers, the farmers are trying to buy that line for $19.1 million. It's a huge cost for farmers out there to pick up. I last met with them Thursday in Three Hills. The group doesn't know whether they'll be able to do this. This would be a huge amount of infrastructure being lost.
In 2009, CN abandoned 52 sidings in western Canada, and then they removed them. Fifty-two sidings removed: that's infrastructure that's removed from the rail system. We really believe that some of the processes involved with the abandonment of these sidings have to be changed. too. Costing and service are huge, but the loss of the infrastructure has absolutely another huge impact on our industry.