I would just like to comment on this.
I think Dr. Yada put this point forward. In science and technology, everybody likes what I would call the sexy and exciting things, the IT and all of those things, yet food is so fundamental to us as Canadians. The other key thing that I have to emphasize is that it's probably our number one health risk right now, because of over-consumption in terms of calories.
So we should be putting an effort into that in terms of public health care. Forget the food side; it's public health care and how we put that forward. How do we have what I will call a “working together” community to figure out how we can get the health benefits from foods, not just the risks?
We have to get it up to the top of all of our agendas in terms of what we do. Right now in Ontario, 50% of all tax dollars are for health care; and when I see a $5-billion type 2 diabetes bill, I know that a lot of that is because of over-consumption of food relative to exercise.