I'd like to address a couple of issues.
We talk about corporate control in agriculture. The last I saw it, one of the most important things in agriculture is financing. I have about five banks I can go to in Canada, plus FCC.
If I talk about fertilizer--Potash, Agrium, Mosaic--there are about four fertilizer companies. If I talk about tractors, the last I saw it, they were green, red, and blue. If I talk about trucks, it's GM, Ford, the Japanese.
Those are all absolutely critical areas of agriculture, but we're familiar with them. We are down to about four to five choices that we, as producers, can make in all of those things that are absolutely critical to agriculture.
Look at railways. If I want to ship my wheat, I have CP and CN. That's down to two, and those are on the stock market. Every one of those are publicly traded companies.
So when we talk about corporate control in this area, it is, I should emphasize, absolutely no different from my wheat, my movement, my plowing, all of those things where there are four or five companies involved in it on the marketplace.
Second of all, when we talk about markets, one of the things I would emphasize on organics is that organic is about the process. Yes, I realize the organic farmers have set a standard where we will not accept certain amounts of cross-contamination, if we want to call it that. But if this is a process thing where I did not use that as one of my producers, but some came in, that is not.... They are making that standard, because it is a process standard that I did not make. We will accept pesticide residues in organic. So it is a standard that is self-imposed.
You may get Walmart or somebody else saying they insist on this, but at the end of the day, organic is about process, again, not product in that case.
So those are a couple of things, but I really have to emphasize that in almost everything we do in agriculture, we have about five or six suppliers, from money to tractors to trucks to rail, in all of those things. You may not like that, but that is the reality.