You have to look at each individual crop. Something like miscanthus right now is an “imported” crop.
I should emphasize for everyone in this room that we really have only four crops that are actually native to Canada. Wheat, corn, soybeans—all those are non-native. Miscanthus is a crop that came out of Japan. In Ontario, we hope to use it to get rid of coal-fired electrical generation. It'll support a lot of producers in firing those electrical plants.
It's a hard, woody stick, much like wood, so I don't see that there's any eating involved in that: do I need to do very intensive studies on the toxicology? We need some basics, yes. But we also learn by history. It's been in Japan for a thousand years, and to my knowledge, no animals, no people.... We can go back and look, but rather than force a massive cost process, learn from history. Learn from real-world experience, and add that to what I call logical regulatory oversight.