I just have one question. It really condenses down to this for me in one large respect.
This is not a situation of the horse and wagon going out of existence because of the introduction of the car.
Look, I favour the biotech industry to the degree that it is going to help us in the future. My concern is species extinction. It really is. What I see is not the car out-competing the horse and wagon. I see the car driving over top and taking out of existence the horse and wagon.
Janice, you referred to the compact. I read the compact. It was sent to me, and I read it.
People don't want compensation if their alfalfa crops are destroyed. They want to know that they can continue to grow their alfalfa crops safely, without the threat of extinction. It really boils down to that.
If we did form this committee, this national Canadian biotech advisory committee, I want to know what you could bring to the table that would say to Lucy and the people she represents that would say “We will protect you from extinction, not compensate you, but protect you from extinction”.
That's unless it's by competition. Competition is another story. I'm talking about extinction of species here.