I was very impressed with your grasp of funding and research and development, and obviously you've got a lot of experience with the research and development arm and what it can do for agriculture.
There's a debate that's going to be taking place in the House tomorrow on Bill C-474, a private member's bill put forward by Alex Atamanenko about GMOs in particular, not biotechnology. It talks about moving away from sound science in terms of whether GMOs should be acceptable, including having a fiscal way of evaluating the impact of a GMO product before it might be approved.
In Ottawa we heard much testimony about how this bill is sowing uncertainty in the research and development field and that investors are actually pulling back, or at least going on hold, in terms of continuing with financial commitments to research and development.
I'm sure that over these past nine months you've been giving a number of presentations, and I wanted to get your opinion. When you were talking to potential investors and looking for financing, did you find that Bill C-474 had an impact? Was it positive, negative, or neutral? Could you fill is in on that?