Certainly I think the more you aim toward a monoculture type of crop system—in our operation it's corn, soybean, wheat, and some edible beans that are thrown in there as well—if you start moving down to a system that has less and less diversity, you're going to run the risk of having some issues. How do you address that? Is it through new biotech types of initiatives that will aid in that?
I think as growers we've always got to make sure we have a rotation that's going to complement each crop as well. Sometimes I think in my operation I can honestly say wheat is not what you call the biggest profit-maker on average through all the years, but we do include that in the rotation because it does give value to the other crops and breaks up disease problems in cycles and that type of stuff.
So yes, it certainly is. If you bring back the diversity of crops you're probably going to have some issues, but you have to try to address that and work at it in your own operation.