I'll answer part of it. I'm going to let Michelle do some of it too.
We look at world demand and supply, and certainly we're in a situation that supplies are tighter and the demand still keeps growing. Certainly in the soybean industry globally we have seen huge, huge demand over the last 20 years. How selective, as a country, do you become on what you're going to accept? In the situation, are you going to short your market if there's a demand there? If the consumer needs these products, are you going to short yourself? And I think there's probably some acceptance. The fact is that, look, we have a situation here where demand is ramping right up there with supply. I know we have variations from year to year, but for the most part we've seen huge demand and supply that's keeping up to that. And of course a lot of that supply is from biotech as well.
I'll let Michelle maybe move forward with a couple of other comments on it.