I referred to the Millstone study. I have a couple of copies, if anybody wants to see them later. I spent some time in the sixties in the pharmaceutical industry. They're much the same companies, but they have different guidelines. They talk about food intake or pharmaceutical intake. They talk about acceptable daily intakes. Under the system we have now, there are substantive equivalents. None of that work is done, so you have no way of knowing whether GMOs are acceptable. Just about every day, there is some study in the world that says there are liver problems or other kinds of problems. It's GM soy that comes from Brazil or from Russia or somewhere.
It's never been done, because we've accepted this pseudo-science as being science, and it's like spin. It's a myth that all this testing has been done. It has never been done, and we're eating these things. There is a giant experiment. You mentioned thalidomide. At the time that I was in that industry, the regulator in the U.S., the FDA, didn't allow thalidomide in the U.S. Those deformed babies stopped at their border. It was in England, Europe, and Canada. I have relatives that have arms this long because of thalidomide. I hope it never happens, but sooner or later there is going to be a smoking gun, some combination of events of GMOs and chemicals that's going to end up...and you're going to have a hell of a time cleaning it up. I don't know how.
It's your responsibility to figure out how this can be done. If the government has to fund it, fine. Right now, you're just accepting the industry's tests as far as they go. Even that is pretty proprietary. You can't even access them.