Wayne, you mentioned a moratorium, and I'm not sure what that would entail with alfalfa. But a little example that came over the e-mail is about the U.S. approving a corn modified for ethanol. They've approved a corn that's modified for ethanol. It breaks down its own enzyme, or whatever. It's going to be put out there, probably on a confined release basis, and it could contaminate the conventional and sweet corn we're all eating. They have no way of stopping it because the regulatory system has no mechanism to stop that.
The processors are finding that even a few seeds of this stuff in the corn they're processing for taco shells, or whatever, causes problems in their process. I mean, we could all be sideswiped by giving these companies licence to do whatever they want.
I don't know what mechanism you have; it could be legislation or in the regulatory system, but it has to be different for each crop. I don't think we should assume we have to have that stuff. I think we can put a moratorium on all GMO crops until these things are in place.