That's an important question. We had a lawsuit and there was a cross-examination of Dr. Peter Phillips, whom I think many of you know because he presented there. He's a scientist at the University of Saskatchewan. I happen to have a copy of the cross-examination, which is a very good read. I can get it to anybody electronically. It talks about how they segregated canola at the start, step by step. And this is Dr. Peter Phillips under oath, cross-examined by our lawyer. It was a friendly cross-examination. It wasn't hostile at all.
I just want to quote a couple of short sentences. Terry Zakreski was our lawyer. He's talking about a peer-reviewed article by Dr. Phillips in Nature Biotechnology, and this is about 2002-03. Dr. Phillips's article says, “The introduction of transgenic herbicide-tolerant canola in western Canada destroyed the growing, albeit limited, market for organic canola.”
And Dr. Phillips, in his answer, confirmed the reference.
Terry Zakreski continued:
And you also state further on down that “this lost market amounts to be between $100,000 CDN and $200,000 CDN annually, but the calculation promptly underestimates the opportunity cost of a market that many thought had significant potential for growth over this period.
So that's Dr. Phillips in a peer-reviewed article stating that there was a huge opportunity that was missed. I asked Allison if we could quantify how much that would be in the ten years since 1995, how much was lost. What was lost was not lost to organic farmers only; it was lost to Canada, because most of those markets were in Europe, and Canadian canola was not allowed into Europe all those years. Organic canola probably would sell. Years ago I was selling flax for $38 a bushel when it was $10 on the conventional market. Canola would probably be double what it is in the conventional market. So probably right now we would be selling organic canola into Europe at $25 a bushel. All the transportation value-added, all the processing—that's all been lost to Canada. It wasn't picked up by the conventional market—they're locked out of Europe because of the GMO. How much, I don't know. It's millions.