The best information I have from the scientific community is that if GE alfalfa is introduced, there will be no way to completely eliminate contamination of the seed supply, because the set-aside distances would be so great. There is a lot of evidence that pollination occurs at up to 2.5 kilometres. That's a long way to get your field away from somebody else's field in any agricultural region. You would almost have to have a specific region set aside for the purpose of producing the GMO seed and keeping it there and not letting it out.
The other thing is, who is going to do this? Up until now it's the organic people who have had to find a secluded little spot somewhere to be able to grow their GMO-free crops. Is that fair? Is that really a reasonable solution? We're saying that if they want to introduce these things, that burden of keeping things pure should be placed on them. They should pay for it. They're the ones who should have to introduce the buffer strips and buy up enough land so that they can find an isolated place to grow their GMO crop.