But we know we can control these crops, and we know that once we plant them, they are out in the environment. There are some crops right now we have to accept coexistence with because they're planted, but there are other crops that are perennial and pervasive and that are much smaller and actually begin to have a life of their own. GE alfalfa is one. I think GE salmon is also an incredibly frightening prospect, because as much as we think we can control containment, we can't. Time and time again, we've proven that we can't.
So if we think the solution is containment, to me, as a farmer and as a person who lives in the environment, that is not a solution. If we think the kind of seed...corn is an example. We have to plant corn. It doesn't travel on its own inside animal bodies. The containment is perhaps more manageable, and we have to accept that it's out there right now. But we can prevent the release of crops not based on the idea of containment, if that makes sense.