The farms we work with aren't necessarily certified organic, but we promote ecological farming practices. We primarily focus on soil health, and we believe the foundation of any farm lies within its soil structure and its health, and you will always have better, healthier crops. You will always be able to weather drought and any kind of drought or flooding or any kind of climate event that we're going to be seeing happen much more easily. Time and time again this has been proven, when you have soil matter and you have a healthy soil structure and you also have a vibrant, living soil structure full of bacteria that do lots of work for us. That's the first thing we talk about.
We also talk about minimizing reliance on fossil fuels and off-farm inputs, because those are things you don't have control over in terms of prices. So when you're trying to build a farm that's going to be viable, if you are at the mercy of oil prices or the price of chemicals that you're going to be applying to your land, then you are at the mercy of forces that are outside your control. And if you want to have control over what you're going to get back and you want to control your operating costs, it's better to minimize your reliance on off-farm inputs and energy sources that aren't renewable.
Those are the primary foundations of any farm business, and that's how our farmers are looking at building their production systems. And then on the other side is the way they communicate what they do to their consumers.