May I perhaps, Mr. Shipley, just start this off briefly, and hand it off to Penny, and at the risk of being inappropriate, correct you on one issue?
I am perhaps the least-informed person at the table today. I brought forward the idea of the Science Media Centre to Canada about four years ago. Why did I do it? Exactly for the reason you said. I want to be an informed Canadian. There are too many complex issues out there for me to understand, and I don't know what stand to take on many things because I just don't get what biotech is, or what GMOs are, or whatever. That is why this became so important and such a passion for me, and why I've been working very hard for four years to see this succeed. We want to create those forums at the Science Media Centre to allow the more public side of this whole debate to be informed and accurate.
Everything that Penny talked about in terms of our services is all aligned to allow the experts, the informed people at this table, to be able to connect with a journalist--many of whom today are generalists and don't know much about science either--to bring those stories forward to avoid exactly what you say, laying at the feet of the farmers, or another party, the full responsibility of this.