Okay. Thanks.
Talking to people, I have found that one of the areas that is a concern when we get into new products coming onto the market is that there's really no independent research. It could be biotechnology, and a lot of people really don't understand that biotechnology is not specifically GM, which is only a part of the system. There is company research and peer review of that company research. Has anybody ever given any thought to an independent research body that could protect the commercial patents, or the “commerciality”, for lack of a better word, of a company's investment when it puts a new product, whether it's GM or another product, on the market? It would do independent research and assure the public that it is absolutely independent and not based on company data. That could be set up, I think, either domestically or perhaps better internationally to review it all. Is there any such body out there? There isn't to my knowledge. Is there any desire to go that way? It would be expensive. I think it would give some confidence to the public.