I have one last question.
In 1(d) of your submission, you talk about the regulatory burdens and so forth. I can think back to a couple of examples in our area. One is the Ontario Dairy Goat Cooperative, which has taken a very small industry in Ontario from maybe $1 million in sales a decade ago to $15 million in sales, and has just continued to find ways to do it. The other example, which you likely are aware of, is the Bruce-Huron food terminal that the Mennonite community has used kind of in parallel with the Elmira food terminal model. They've done it with their dollars and done it their way.
As your group looks to move forward, is there a way to do it all through cashflow, or, because it's so broad, as you say, trying to promote all the different products, is there a value there to help with the investment in terms of making facilities available?