Okay, well, then, no comment.
I share some of the same issues. In fact we've had an issue in the past year because of some of the challenges we've had in our market over the last 24 months. Our market tends to follow alongside the economy because of a lot of the higher-value cuts, through further processing of deli products, as I referenced in my presentation. We've had some issues with managing that. I think we've done a good job of it. We've had supplementals that can be applied for and brought into the country in case they can't be found within the domestic market.
Regarding chicken, I don't want to go out on a limb and comment on that. Within the same system, I know they have some programs that allow access, I believe, to grow--re-export and things of that nature. Sometimes it depends on the type and the cut.
In our market we might have some turkeys, as we say, in the freezer. They might not have been in the right form for some of the retailers at that particular time. If you just look at the stock numbers and try to plug in to match up with what you are looking for, it doesn't always work out.