That would be a benefit. I agree with you. I was on the transport file for a while, and I found it amazing that they could have 97% accuracy for time of arrival when it comes to passenger cars, but when it comes to shipping our wheat and barley or canola around the country, 64% is a great number for them.
The last question I have, and I know my time is going to be short, is on research. You brought it up, Mr. Phillips. We've done a lot of studies on research and we've had a lot of people here. I'm not a believer that total dollar numbers are always the answer, because a lot of research dollars don't end up getting spent. It's too bureaucratic; there's too much red tape that you have to go through.
The question I have is how important the commercialization factor is to your organization. How important is it that we know what we want to commercialize before we start the research, or is it more important that we have the research and that where it ends up is the most effective way? What would your organization's stance be on that?