Yes, there's a huge disconnect there.
Basically, there are a lot of young people who are interested in getting into agriculture. With our program, we're taking 10 students on every year right now, and we're turning people away. They're going to other farms, where they're used more as a labour pool than anything, and they're not getting that connect. We definitely do a connect with our program, and we have a bank of accessible land from people who have said to us, “We have this land—if you find someone, they can farm it.”
I think some kind of program has to be put in place, where landowners can register if they want to lease their land, and where land can be searched by the type of land people are looking for. Right now, there's a huge disconnect. At between $75,000 and $125,000 per acre, young people can't get into farming in B.C. unless they have access to land. The cost of land prohibits that right now.